Containerizing backend services
Once the prediction module has been turned into a service, containerizing it in Docker is straightforward if you already have a conda environment. Simply create a Dockerfile similar to the sample Dockerfiles for site_selectivity, or for augmented_transformer to install the dependencies. Then build the Docker image with
$ export
$ docker build -f your_Dockerfile -t ${ASKCOS_REGISTRY}/your_module:1.0-cpu .
after which the containerized microservice should be runnable with a single command, e.g.,
$ docker run --rm -p 9601:9601 -t ${ASKCOS_REGISTRY}/your_module:1.0-cpu
Or in the case of lengthier command, organize it into a start script similar to scripts/ for the augmented_transformer, which can then be run by
$ sh scripts/
We have updated all of our backend images to be based on micromamba
, which is a re-implemented and much faster version of conda. We recommend basing all new docker images on micromamba
, as it bypasses all the headaches with the lengthy (and sometimes infinite) process of resolving dependencies in conda.