v0.3.0 Release Notes
Installation with Docker
- If you're buidling the image from scratch, make sure git (and git lfs) is installed on your machine
- Install Docker OS specific instructions
- Install docker-compose installation instructions
Upgrading from a previous version
Backing up user data
If you are upgrading the deployment from a previous version, you may want to retain user accounts and user-saved data. These are stored in an sqlite db at askcos/db.sqlite3
and a user_saves directory at makeit/data/user_saves
, in the running app container service. The name of the running app service can be found using docker-compose ps
; it should be called deploy_app_1
Follow these steps to backup and restore user data:
if the old version was < 0.2.3:
$ docker cp deploy_app_1:/home/askcos/ASKCOS/askcos/db.sqlite3 .
$ docker cp deploy_app_1:/home/askcos/ASKCOS/makeit/data/user_saves .
# deploy new version
$ docker cp db.sqlite3 deploy_app_1:/usr/local/ASKCOS/askcos/db.sqlite3
$ docker cp user_saves deploy_app_1:/usr/local/ASKCOS/makeit/data/
if the old version was >= 0.2.3:
$ docker cp deploy_app_1:/usr/local/ASKCOS/askcos/db.sqlite3 .
$ docker cp deploy_app_1:/usr/local/ASKCOS/makeit/data/user_saves .
# deploy new version
$ docker cp db.sqlite3 deploy_app_1:/usr/local/ASKCOS/askcos/db.sqlite3
$ docker cp user_saves deploy_app_1:/usr/local/ASKCOS/makeit/data/
Updating static files
The static files (css/js) are stored in a volume, independent from the container services. When upgrading to a new version, it is important to ensure this volume gets recreated as well. The best way to do this is use docker-compose down -v
(note the -v
flag for volumes), followed by docker-compose up -d
. docker-compose is intelligent enough to recreate container services with up -d
when they have changed, but it is important to bring down the whole stack to make sure the volume gets recreated.
# only do this if you've already backed up user data!
$ docker-compose down -v
$ docker-compose up -d
However, if you are certain the celery worker images have not changed and would prefer to not bring these services down and then back up (to minimize application downtime), you can stop and remove the app
and nginx
services, delete the deploy_staticdata
volume, then recreate the app
and nginx
services (which will recreate the volume with the correct static files) using the following:
# only do this if you've already backed up user data!
$ docker-compose stop app nginx
$ docker-compose rm app nginx
$ docker volume prune
$ docker-compose up -d app nginx
Pulling the image from DockerHub
Pre-built images for versioned releases are available from DockerHub. You will need an DockerHub account, and you will need to be added to the private repository. Contact mef231@mit.edu with your username to be given access. If you pull the image from DockerHub, you can skip the (slow) build process below.
$ docker login # enter credentials
$ docker pull mefortunato/askcos # optionally supply :<version-number>
$ docker tag mefortunato/askcos askcos # docker-compose still looks for 'askcos' image
If you pull from DockerHub, skip the build process below.
(Optional) Building the ASKCOS Image
The askcos image itself can be built using the Dockerfile in this repository Make-It/Dockerfile
$ git clone https://github.com/connorcoley/Make-It
$ cd Make-It/makeit/data
$ git lfs pull
$ cd ../../
$ docker build -t askcos .
Add customization
There are a few parts of the application that you can customize:
- Header sub-title next to ASKCOS (to designate this as a local deployment at your organization)
- Contact emails for centralized IT support
These are handled as environment variables that can change upon deployment (and are therefore not tied into the image directly). They can be found in deploy/customization
. Please let us know what other degrees of customization you would like.
Deploy with docker-compose
The Make-It/deploy/docker-compose.yml
file contains the configuration to deploy the askcos stack with docker-compose. This requires that the askcos image is built (see previous step), and a few environment variables are set in the .env file. The default ENV values will work, but it is better to set CURRENT_HOST
to the IP address of the machine you are deploying on, and to set the MongoDB credentials if you have access.
$ cd deploy
$ docker-compose up -d
The services will start in a detached state. You can view logs with docker-compose logs [-f]
To stop the containers use docker-compose stop
. To restart the containers use docker-compose start
. To completely delete the containers and volumes use docker-compose down -v
(this deletes user database and saves; read section about backing up data first).
Managing Django
If you'd like to manage the Django app (i.e. - run python manage.py ...), for example, to create an admin superuser, you can run commands in the running app service (do this after docker-compose up
) as follows:
docker-compose exec app bash -c "python /usr/local/ASKCOS/askcos/manage.py createsuperuser"
In this case you'll be presented an interactive prompt to create a superuser with your desired credentials.
Important Notes
First startup
The celery worker will take a few minutes to start up (possibly up to 5 minutes; it reads a lot of data into memory from disk). The web app itself will be ready before this, however upon the first get request (only the first for each process) a few files will be read from disk, so expect a 10-15 second delay.
Scaling workers
Only 1 worker per queue is deployed by default with limited concurrency. This is not ideal for many-user demand. You can easily scale the number of celery workers you'd like to use with docker-compose up -d --scale tb_c_worker=N
where N is the number of workers you want, for example. The above note applies to each worker you start, however, and each worker will consume RAM.
Future Improvements
- Container orchestration with Kubernetes (will allow for distributed celery workers on multiple machines)
Installation without Docker
A coarse installation guide can be found in install_cli.sh
(i.e., "install command line interface"). Note that this shell script is not meant to actually be run as a shell script.
We also have an installation guide for the Django web interface, which uses Celery for asynchronous task management (install_webapp.sh
). This relies on RabbitMQ and Redis servers and uWSGI/NGINX or Apache for deployment.
Please note that this code relies on either (1) additional data files not contained in this repo, but available from ccoley@mit.edu or (2) connection to a MongoDB with specific expectations for databases/collections/etc.
The code has primarily been developed for Python 2.7.6 on Ubuntu 16.04. However, we have made an effort to make it work on Python 3.6.1 as well (tested on macOS 10.13.3).
Included in this repository is a conda environment askcos.yml
. Note that this is a fairly messy file and there are some extraneous packages listed. Additionally, some packages are slightly out of date and could be updated without any issues. We are woring to clean this script up and streamline the deployment process.
Make-It installation instructions (Ubuntu 16.04, Python 2.7.6)
Place the Make-It repository inside an
folder in your home folderDownload miniconda2 (or miniconda3 for Python 3) and add it to the system path
wget https://repo.continuum.io/miniconda/Miniconda2-latest-Linux-x86_64.sh bash Miniconda2-latest-Linux-x86_64.sh -b -p $HOME/miniconda export PATH=~/miniconda/bin:$PATH echo 'export PATH=~/miniconda/bin:$PATH' >> ~/.bashrc
[MIGHT BE NECESSARY] Install libxext6, libsm6, and zlib-1.2.9, and add
Prepare system-wide dependencies before setting up python packages
sudo apt install heimdal-dev sudo apt install libkrb5-dev sudo apt-get install libhdf5-dev sudo apt-get install build-essential
Create the "askcos" conda environment using the provided
as a starting pointconda-env create -f askcos.yml -n askcos
Add Make-It folder and askcos subfolder to your
environment variableexport PYTHONPATH=~/ASKCOS/Make-It:~/ASKCOS/Make-It/askcos:$PYTHONPATH echo 'export PYTHONPATH=~/ASKCOS/Make-It:~/ASKCOS/Make-It/askcos:$PYTHONPATH' >> ~/.bashrc
[OPTIONAL] create a link between
and wherever you actually want to store the dataInstall RDKit and Pymongo
source activate askcos conda install rdkit -c rdkit pip install pymongo sudo apt install libxrender-dev export PYTHONPATH=~/miniconda/envs/askcos/lib/python2.7/site-packages:$PYTHONPATH export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=~/miniconda/envs/askcos/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH echo 'export PYTHONPATH=~/miniconda/envs/askcos/lib/python2.7/site-packages:$PYTHONPATH' >> ~/.bashrc echo 'export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=~/miniconda/envs/askcos/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH' >> ~/.bashrc
Install a more recent verison of Tensorflow
pip install tensorflow==1.4.1
Set the default Keras backend to
by editing~/.keras/keras.json
. If this is the first time you're running keras, this file won't exist. Runpython -c "import keras"
to have this file be generated.Test Make-It by running any of the individual modules below and/or the full planning script.
Website installation instructions (Ubuntu 16.04, Python 2.7.6)
Install Redis as the results backend
sudo add-apt-repository -y ppa:chris-lea/redis-server sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install redis-server sudo service redis start
Install RabbitMQ as the message broker
echo "deb https://dl.bintray.com/rabbitmq/debian xenial main" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/bintray.rabbitmq.list wget -O- https://dl.bintray.com/rabbitmq/Keys/rabbitmq-release-signing-key.asc | sudo apt-key add - sudo apt-get update wget https://packages.erlang-solutions.com/erlang-solutions_1.0_all.deb sudo dpkg -i erlang-solutions_1.0_all.deb sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install erlang sudo apt-get install rabbitmq-server # on OS X, brew install rabbitmq sudo service redis start sudo service rabbitmq-server start
Install uWSGI
pip install uwsgi sudo apt-get install nginx sudo /etc/init.d/nginx start
Test that uWSGI is working by temporarily running the webserver
uwsgi --http :8000 --wsgi-file wsgi.py
and in a new terminal window...
curl http://localhost:8000
Inside the askcos folder, get uwsgi_params
wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/nginx/nginx/master/conf/uwsgi_params
Edit /etc/nginx/nginx.conf as needed, according to http://uwsgi-docs.readthedocs.io/en/latest/tutorials/Django_and_nginx.html and/or using the nginx.conf file provided in the deploy subfolder as a template
Start the uWSGI server (long-term, this should be run as a service)
uwsgi --socket :8000 --wsgi-file wsgi.py
Start the NGINX server
sudo service nginx start
Test basic website functionality
- SCScore
- Buyable page
- Drawing
- Saving/restoring pages
Test Celery functionality by starting up context recommender workers 1.
``` celery -A askcos_site worker -c 1 -Q cr_coordinator -n "cr_coordinator@$(hostname)" --max-tasks-per-child 1000 --loglevel=$CELERY_LOG_LEVEL --logfile=celery_logs/%p.log & celery -A askcos_site worker -c 1 -Q cr_network_worker -n "cr_network_worker@$(hostname)" --max-tasks-per-child 5000 --loglevel=$CELERY_LOG_LEVEL --logfile=celery_logs/%p.log & ```
- Go to the /context/ page on the website and make a request for the neurla network context recommender model
to reflect the anticipated server load (i.e., number of workers needed to support each task) before running the script to spawn them.note: if you want the workers to run on a separate server, you will need to edit
to give an explicit SERVERHOST instead of localhost. You will also need to open up the ports for the message broker (5672) and redis server (6379) to the other server.
Setting up the Celery workers on a different server from the Webserver
For scalability, it is possible to have the webserver and compute servers completely separately. The webserver will host the website, RabbitMQ, and Redis servers. The compute server will be where Celery workers are spun up.
If using AWS, open up connections between instances in the same security group (following the slightly-outdated https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSEC2/latest/UserGuide/security-group-rules-reference.html#sg-rules-other-instances)
[On the webserver] Allow remote connections to RabbitMQ. It is possible to create specific users for the default vhost to limit access, but it is easiest to open up all remote connections to the "guest" user (https://www.rabbitmq.com/access-control.html). This relies on non-RabbitMQ security measures to prevent unwanted connections to the server's port. Create
if it does not exits and enter one line:loopback_users = none
[On the webserver] Edit
to allow remote connections from worker machine. Ideally, you can bind to a specific IP by editing thebind
line. This seems to work fine on our local servers but did not work well on AWS. The alternative is to completely open up connections by changing thebind
line tobind
and edit the following block to sayprotected-mode off
. As with the RabbitMQ settings, this means that Redis will rely on other firewalls/security measures.[On the compute server] Change the
to the IP of the webserver, so the Celery workers know where to look for the RabbitMQ/Redis servers. If using AWS, this should be the private IP of the webserver instance.[On the compute server] Spin up as many workers as desired using
from inside theaskcos
folder. The most computationally intensive task is the TreeBuilder, for which we generally allocate 4-12 processes in each worker pool. Each process requires 3-4 GB of RAM. The other Celery workers (aside from the nearest neighbor context recommender, which should be deprecated) are relatively small in memory footprint.
Changing the database of buyable chemicals
Information about what chemicals are considered buyable is stored in a flat pickle file at makeit/data/local_db_dumps/pricer_using_reaxys_v2-chemicals_and_reaxys_v2-buyables.pkl
. It contains three dictionaries:
- a dictionary that maps RDKit-canonicalized isomeric SMILES strings to chemical prices in price-per-gramprices_flat
- the same dictionary but with non-isomeric SMILES stringsprices_by_rxn
- was intended to be a dictionary that maps Elsevier chemical IDs to price-per-gram
In the code, these dictionaries are loaded from disk by the Pricer
class defined in makeit/utilities/buyable/pricer.py
. To update what is considered buyable, you can create an object of Pricer
class, call the load()
method, add chemicals from your own database into the dictionaries stored under the prices
and prices_flat
attributes, then dump the information back out to the pickle file with Pricer.dump_to_file()
Once the database is updated, it will be necessary to spin down/up the retrosynthetic workers (tb_c_worker
and tb_coordinator_mcts
) as well as the primary webservice for them to reload the data. The buyable module (http://askcos.mit.edu/price/) can be used to check that the web service has been updated with the new buyable database.
As a final note, a price per gram of 0 is used throughout the codebase to be considered not buyable
. So to add in-inventory systems without consideration of cost, using a placeholder of $1/g or $100/g is recommended. In the future, we might have a special note for in stock
that is independent of price information.
How to run individual modules
Many of the individual modules -- at least the ones that are the most interesting -- can be run "standalone". Examples of how to use them are often found in the if __name__ == '__main__'
statement at the bottom of the script definitions. For example...
Using the learned synthetic complexity metric (SCScore)
Obtaining a single-step retrosynthetic suggestion with consideration of chirality
Finding recommended reaction conditions based on a trained neural network model
Using the template-free forward predictor
Using the coarse "fast filter" (binary classifier) for evaluating reaction plausibility
Integrated CASP tool
For the integrated synthesis planning tool at makeit/application/run.py
, there are several options available. The currently enabled options for the command-line tool can be found at makeit/utilities/io/arg_parser.py
. There are some options that are only available for the website and some that are only available for the command-line version. As an example of the former, the consideration of popular but non-buyable chemicals as suitable "leaf nodes" in the search. An example of how to use this module is:
python ASKCOS/Make-It/makeit/application/run.py --TARGET atropine
Model choices.
The following options influence which models are used to carry out the different tasks within the algorithm.
Context recommendation: via '--context_recommender', currently has the following options:
-'Nearest_Neighbor': Uses a nearest neighbor based database search (memory intensive, ~30GB, and slow; relies on external data file)
-'Neural_Network': Uses a pretrained neural network (highly recommended!!)
Context prioritization: via '--context_prioritization', specifies how we should determine the "best" context for a proposed reaction. It currently has the following options:
-'Probability': uses the likelihood of success for the reaction under that condition
-'Rank': uses the rank of the reaction under that condition relative to all other outcomes
Forward evaluation: via '--forward_scoring', is used to evaluate the likelihood of success of a reaction. It currently has the following options:
-'Template_Based': uses the original forward evaluation method enumerating all possible outcomes by applying templates and then predicting the most likely main product [https://pubs.acs.org/doi/abs/10.1021/acscentsci.7b00064] (NOTE: the template-based forward predictor requires a custom built version of RDKit from https://github.com/connorcoley/rdkit - we highly recommend using the template-free approach)
-'Template_Free': uses the higher-performing and faster template-free method based on graph convolutional neural networks [https://arxiv.org/abs/1709.04555]
-'Fast_Filter': uses a binary classifier to distinguish good and bad reaction suggestions. It is imperfect, but very fast. Based on the "in-scope filter" suggested by Marwin Segler [https://www.nature.com/articles/nature25978]
Retrosynthetic template prioritization: via '--template_prioritization', is used to minimize the number of reaction templates that must be applied to the target compound at each iteration. It currently has the following options:
-'Relevance': Quantifies how relevant a given template is for the considered reactants, based on the approach suggested by Marwin Segler [https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1002/chem.201605499]
-'Popularity': Ranking based on number of references in literature, independent of the product species
Precursor prioritization: via '--precusor_prioritization', is used to determine which precursor is the most promising branch to pursue. It currently has the following options:
-'Heuristic': Simple heuristic, with decreasing score as number of atoms, rings and chiral centers increases
-'SCScore': Synthetic Complexity Score - learned quantity indicating how complex a molecule is. Tries to interpret molecules with a protection/deprotection group as less complex than their non-protected counterparts. [https://pubs.acs.org/doi/abs/10.1021/acs.jcim.7b00622]
Tree scoring: via '--tree_scoring', determines how final synthesis trees should be sorted/ranked. It currently has the following options:
-'Product': uses the product of template score and forward prediction score
-'Forward_only': uses only the forward prediction score
-'Template_only': uses only the template score
Limits and thresholds: the following options will set limits for the different parts of the program
Expansion time via '--expansion_time': limit the amount of time the program spends expanding the retro synthetic tree. Default value is 60 seconds.
Maximum search depth via '--max_depth': limit the search depth in the retro synthetic expansion. Default value is 4.
Maximum degree of branching via '--max_branching': limit the number of branches generated in each layer of the retro synthetic tree. Default value is 20
Maximum number of buyable trees via '--max_trees': limit the number of buyable trees the program should search for. Default value is 500.
Maximum number of templates to be applied via '--template_count': limit the number of templates that are appied for each expansion when using the popularity prioritizer. Default value is 10000.
Minimal number of templates to be considered in retro synthetic direction for non-chiral reactions via '--mincount_retro'. Default value is 25.
Minimal number of templates to be considered in retro synthetic direction for chiral reactions via '--mincoun_retro_c'. Default value is 10.
Minimal number of templates to be considered in synthetic direction via '--synth_mincount'. Default value is 25.
Minimal target rank for considering a target feasible via '--rank_threshold'. Default value is 10.
Minimal probability for considering a target feasible via '--prob_threshold'. Default value is 0.01.
Maximum number of contexts to be proposed for each reaction via '--max_contexts'. Default value is 10
Maximum price per gram for a component to be considered buyable via '--max_ppg'. Default value is 100
Precursor filtering: via '--apply_fast_filter' and '--filter_threshold', is used to impose rapid filtering of low-quality retrosynthetic suggestions. Default is True and 0.75
ASKCOS Development
Software package for the prediction of feasible synthetic routes towards a desired compound and associated tasks related to synthesis planning. Originally developed under the DARPA Make-It program and now being developed under the MLPDS Consortium.